Let us handle your infrastructure procurement needs

Supporting our clients with the infrastructure procurement required for their data centre installation.

Infrastructure procurement for a smooth data centre installation

We understand that every client has unique needs and that’s why we specialise in offering bespoke solutions to match client requirements. One area where we excel is in infrastructure procurement – our goal is to make the process as seamless and hassle-free as possible, leaving our clients free to focus on other important aspects of their business.

We are experienced at identifying the right equipment needed for data centre infrastructure, from cables and power feeds to distribution equipment. We work closely with our clients to understand their requirements, agree on the purchase, and procure and install the equipment for them – we’ll even buy everything for them from multiple supply chains to ensure that they get the best possible deals. Our streamlined approach to each installation makes the process smoother and easier for all – when it comes to migration day, we can de-rack, uninstall, and move their equipment seamlessly.

We get asked ‘can you make this work?’ - and we do!

All our clients have unique needs, so the infrastructure and sundries required for each colocation solution varies greatly. When we were approached by a new client who required power distribution within their racks for their highly specialised equipment, for example, we identified a suitable provider and designed a bespoke solution that complemented their equipment. The end result was a high-quality power distribution system that perfectly met our client’s requirements.

Let’s talk

The migration off-premises can be stressful, but we know how to make the process as streamlined and seamless as it can possibly be. We know a thing or two about providing bespoke solutions and supporting our clients every step of the way. Get in touch to find out how we facilitate a smooth migration into our data centres.